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Making a Will

If you care about what happens to your property after you die, you should make a will. Without one, the State directs who inherits, so your friends, favourite charities and relatives may get nothing.

It is particularly important to make a will if you are not married or are not in a registered civil partnership. This is because the law does not automatically recognise cohabitants (partners who live together) as having the same rights as husbands, wives and civil partners. As a result, even if you have lived together for many years, your cohabitant may be left with nothing if you have not made a will.

A will is also vital if you have children or dependants who may not be able to care for themselves. Without a will there could be uncertainty about who will look after or provide for them if you die.

The Moneta Partnership can advise you on these issues and on the impact of inheritance tax.

You should also consider taking legal advice about making a Will if:

  • anyone has a potential claim on your estate when you die because they depend on you financially
  • you want to include a trust in your Will, perhaps to provide for young children or a disabled person, save tax, or simply protect your assets when you have gone
  • your permanent home is not in the UK or you are not a British citizen
  • you live here but you have overseas property; or
  • you own all or part of a business.

Once you have had a Will drawn up, some changes to your circumstances - for example, marriage, civil partnership, separation, divorce or if your civil partnership is dissolved (legally ended) - can make all or part of that will invalid or inadequate. This means that it is important to review your will regularly, to reflect any major life changes.